
Lovely Testimonials from our service users and other sources.

It has been so helpful, thank you. It has helped transform the girls bedroom from a shell back to a bedroom. I’ve also managed to get them some bunk beds and carpet.


We have another OUTREACH Success last Wednesday 29th May… Here are Anne, Outreach Worker words: “So pleased to announce the GOOD News from our Outreach today. Previous Friday, I met a gentleman Mr H, homeless since December 2023 because of Domestic Abuse. I accompanied him to Trinity House (MBC Housing/Homeless Outreach) and was told he doesn’t reach the threshold for priority housing. I then spent 4 hours giving him mental support to share the misery he had been through, we represented this to Trinity and he doubled his points and meet the threshold and was rehoused yesterday. We are so Happy for him that he can now rest and rebuild his life. GOD is GOOD”

Outreach Worker

For the last 3weeks - every day at MADM Outreach, a Homeless Male in his early 60’s - Who has for the last 20yrs been working Night Shift at the same Company - Sleeps in one of our quiet Prayer Rooms & 2 nights a week; when he is not working we book him into a B&B so he can really catch up on much needed sleep & rest !Mr J found himself homeless after he had to move from his room rental & has struggled to find another rental. We are hearing of this MORE & MORE - here we have a respectable & well presented/clean mature man who has a sterling work record does not smoke, have any addiction habits or pets & yet he faces a challenge as he is up against a barrage of others also seeking a single room. For those of us actively working with Street Homeless or those in TA: Temporary Accommodation / Sofa Surfing .. we struggle to see when this will change ! There is such an incredible lack of affordable accommodation but a huge increase in those Needing a home. MADM has for years held a vision to acquire its own Accommodation & we feel that now with years of experience we are ready to Act … yet what a huge Financial leap of Faith this Will be for us, so we want to start sowing seeds… and if anyone would like to Partner with us / Help us achieve this aim, then please initially contact our Founder Amanda & share how with the same Heart beat, we can together Make A Difference to impact even MORE Lives in our Town..


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Charity no: 1169055

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Office and Outreach

48 Church Street,
ME14 1DS

Tel: 01622 687414

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Charity Shop

28 High Street,
ME14 1JF

Tel: 01622 296462
Email: CharityShop@madm.org.uk

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Living Word Bookshop

49 Church Street,
ME14 1DS

Tel: 07570 025937
Email: Bookshop@madm.org.uk

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