Our Ethos

Everyone should be able to live in freedom and be treated with dignity, respect, and love regardless of circumstances. This influences every aspect of how the charity works. We are committed to improve our society, so that it more closely reflects God's kingdom and values.

MADM helps them with immediate needs but also helps them to explore their full potential so that they can reintegrate into society and lead productive and positive lives, and enhance the communities in which they live!

MADM works with clients based on referrals made from statuary organisations like social services, Probation, Housing Associations, Community Wardens, Kent Police, the Council, Churches, Charities and many more.

We provide practical and emotional support, signposting to external partners and organisations, as well as providing varying volunteering opportunities.

We have wonderful individual supporters and charitable funding that all help us to bless the town, and we couldn't achieve what we do without them and our dedicated volunteers.

MADM logo

Charity no: 1169055

Website Visits:
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Office and Outreach

48 Church Street,
ME14 1DS

Tel: 01622 687414

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Charity Shop

28 High Street,
ME14 1JF

Tel: 01622 296462
Email: CharityShop@madm.org.uk

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Living Word Bookshop

49 Church Street,
ME14 1DS

Tel: 07570 025937
Email: Bookshop@madm.org.uk

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